These are only a slight few words which describe the maestro himself: Señor Salvador Dalí. Mind stretching work, pre-visiting I had always envisaged Dalí as the surrealist painter he was; with one distinct image only. Little did I know how his talent stretched, which really does quietly display my lack of art knowledge.
Whilst on a short but very valued trip to Barcelona, a stop in the neighbouring town of Figueres was encountered. Shocked, bewildered and inspired were the emotions inflicted during the visit, for this town of Figueres is where the Dalí Theatre and Museum (in Catalan language: Teatre-Museu Dalí) is housed. And that, where Dalí himself lived.
Dalí's museum was as abstract as one could imagine - I'm intrigued as to how his mind worked. Energised, flamboyant and admiring the fruits of 200%+ of his labour, it set my blood running. If time was no object, I'd joyously roam around here all day. My third eye didn't stop snapping. If I could post his entire collection onto this blog, I would..though after careful culled selection, I've posted a few of his pieces that really gripped my attention. Have a gander at some of these pieces for he's my hero.
You clever man, Dalí.