It is indeed a gem of a gorge and being one of the deepest gorges in the world it doesn't lack any ability in fulfilling that prestigious trophy. I would love to have witnessed a fully blue skied trek during those active two days, but unfortunately we were faced with a gust of clouds; some light, some dark - which laced the mountainous views. I say unfortunately, however I believe the clouds worked in our favour as this meant we were not faced with - what could have been; a sweltering battle with the heated sun. The clouds ultimately enhanced the comfortability of this intrepid walk and of course, there was a glint of magical emotion with them amongst the scenic mountains.
This never-ending uplifting trek gave us the equivalent amount of exercise an average person would require in a month, I'd say...However, I must add that on the final part of this trek, having come to some sort of conclusion that I wouldn't be trekking further down to the Tiger Leaping rock (purely as I had resigned from my energies) - whilst eating a budding and well-earned Chinese lunch and simmering into relaxation mode, I then had a sudden thought and pondered 'When will I ever get the chance to return to this gorge again?' . That's it - 'you only live once', I've reminded myself again and again. GO FOR IT. The bus back to Lijiang was due to leave in less than two hours...we'd been told by numerous locals that this trek would take on average three hours. I do love a challenge. Who doesn't?! Pahaha. Well off i went. Zoom! Definitely in a hurry!
My friends back at the 'restaurant' were certain I wouldn't make it back in time and I really wanted to prove them wrong. Well, to be honest, that was the least of my worries - ultimately I wanted to get that bus!! After a fairly dangerous run down a very steep and jagged route, lots of photos at the bottoms of the gorge and imagining scenes of the tiger leaping across bouncing off the rock, being taken back by the velocity and power of water, huffing and puffing on my way back taking as little rest as possible and following a young Chinese lady up (she sure was small and totally not the persona I would consider 'a trekker', but she empowered & motivated me so much! I thanked her at the end - You Gem!). 1.5 hours later I was saying 'ni hao!!!' to my buddies again. A tomato-faced YAY!! What a fun burst of adrenaline. YES!
I may be very wrong, but I've come to realise I don't think Tiger Leaping Gorge is as famous as I'd originally imagined it was. I guess, if you're in the know, you're in the know....If not, well, you're not. I hope you've either learnt about, learnt more about (much doubted, as I haven't really talked too much about the gorge itself!) or reminisced in some way about the Tiger Leaping Gorge from reading this post.
Many thanks to the cucumber that energised me throughout the journey sold by the comedian of a lady at rest point no. 1. Visited April 2013.
A few photos below to bring more imagery to the little story above. Some silly.....