Once again, I was in SaPa (Vietnam) surrounded by those awfully pretty green mountains and rice terraces, embellished in clear(ish), clean(ish), succulent(ish) air and embraced in relatively peaceful tranquility (this is minus the full vocal shouting between locals, the restoration drilling work that began at 7am daily and the constant vehicle beeping taking place outside).
It was March 2012, and being a restless individual, I figured the series of paints I owned, the paintbrushes and the blank canvas were looking lonely. I paired this with the knowing thought that my friends were going to envisage the two become one (marriage) in June of that same year. A personalised gift was the ultimate necessary, and those mountains were offering me a motivated painting mood. And why not? At the time, I'd chosen my room in 'Thang Loi' guesthouse as it offered a nice & neat setting for painting together with it's decorative imprisoned view of the mountains [see below] (...though I'd since found a better room).
.The Vista

Here we go! Here are - the now-newlyweds; Jane & James Berry.
(Jane née Hau - hence, HauBerry).
I thought I'd spark & quirk them up a little more. Jane enjoying her little crown/tiara, and James...well, James is seriously enjoying his polka dot gleaming red bow-tie.
I was limited to the choice of photos I could copy - and this one seemed to be the most apt.
Please excuse all forms of amatuer detail - I'm learning!
.The [attempted] Process

.HauBerry Result
a how very (hauberry) unlikely resemblance, but..I had fun. And, according to me, that's what counts.
Note: Whilst painting, I hadn't yet booked my flight home and figured I would be mailing this 'artistic feature' (heh!) back to the Isles of Britannia. Not at all do I regret not returning home to their welcoming and wonderful FUN wedding. Thanks J&J! CONGRATULATIONS. I'd appreciate if you could host another partay like that. I enjoyed painting you lots and could easily do it again. How about an annual wedding anniversary? Perhaps? !
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