Time out, please! Bless their little hemp aprons and wot-not, but we need a break from you wondrous tribes.
On a seasonal & more present note...
The warmth I love, but this season (ceteris paribus..)
I adore. Immensely.
Autumn is b l i s s.
Those brisk chilly days where the season is enthralled by a massive blue sky and an intuitive obliterating sun - especially.
Priceless colours swarming; ambient, warm and charming - withering or muddled on the grounds from shade to shade. Glare. Even terrible and scratched lensed camera phones are able to capture the English autumnal flare.
On a frequent route of mine, I watch these specific trees change. Admiring nature in its element. Change. Its absolute f i n e s t. Change. Here be my (unprofessional) captures on that frequent route during that luscious smelling autumn euphoria.
Every right to be... November Vain.

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